Time :12:00 AM - 13:00 PM
Department of Forest Research and Survey (DFRS) has initiated to conduct internal seminar series to share knowledge and enhance the capacity of DFRS staff.The Internal Seminar Series activities is given below:
1. Mr. Buddi S Poudel (RO) : Behavioural ecology of the Himalayan Marmot. 18 December 2015
2 Mr. Shiva Khanal (RO) : Remote sensing based land cover land use change detection.1 January , 2016.
3. Mr. Kiran K Pokharel (ARO) : Study on enhancing the lesser-known timber and non-timber species and their quality enhancement in Nepal. 8 January 2016.
4. Mr.Rajkumar Giri (ARO) : Protocol presentation on Re-measurement of permanent sample plots (PSPs) in Terai physiographic region of NepalRe-measurement of permanent sample plots (PSPs) in Terai
physiographic region of Nepal. 22 January 2016
5.Milan Dhungana (ARO) : Estimation of spatial and temporal variation of live fuel moisture content in complex terrain using remotely sensed data. 29 January 2016 .
6.Mr. Khem Lal Bishwakarma (ARO) :Study on species selection and growth in river reclaimed area. 26 February 2016
7.Mr. Deepak Kumar Kharal (DDG) : Forest Research Strategy. 26 April 2016
8.Mr.Keshav Raj Gautam (RO) : Corruption in Timber production and Trade : An analysis based on case studies from Tarai of Nepal. 27 May 2016
9.Mr.Raja Ram Aryal (Ranger) : Analysis of airborne LiDAR for deriving terrain and surface models in forest area. 10 June 2016