We are now calling articles for the upcoming issue Vol. 32 (1), May 2022 of Banko Janakari (BJ) open-access Journal (Double-blind peer-reviewed scientific forestry journal). Article can be submitted through e-mail: frtc@2020gmail.com or register to make a submission at below link :
We are requesting the interested Reviewer with Ph.D. Holder to register on the below link and we would be pleased if you send us CV at email address: frtc2020@gmail.com
Please follow the BJ guidelines available at below link:
Last date for Submission: 10 Mach,2022
Key Features of Journal
- Very old double-blind peer-reviewed scientific forestry journal
for 34 years
-Free of Cost
-Scopus Indexed Journal
-International Journal
- Two-star Journal
- Highly cited
- Screen by iThenticate
- Qualified members in Editorial Board
- Qualified reviewer
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- Open Journal System
- International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Meta Data submission to
- Google Scholar
- CrossRef
- Research Gat
We are now calling articles for the upcoming issue Vol. 32 (1), May 2022 of Banko Janakari (BJ) open-access Journal (Double-blind peer-reviewed scientific forestry journal). Article can be submitted through e-mail: frtc@2020gmail.com or register to make a submission at below link :
We are requesting the interested Reviewer with Ph.D. Holder to register on the below link and we would be pleased if you send us CV at email address: frtc2020@gmail.com
Please follow the BJ guidelines available at below link:
Last date for Submission: 10 Mach,2022
Key Features of Journal
- Very old double-blind peer-reviewed scientific forestry journal
for 34 years
-Free of Cost
-Scopus Indexed Journal
-International Journal
- Two-star Journal
- Highly cited
- Screen by iThenticate
- Qualified members in Editorial Board
- Qualified reviewer
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- Open Journal System
- International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Meta Data submission to
- Google Scholar
- CrossRef
- Research Gate